
• Bachelors •


IGFAE bolsa de verano

Instituto Galego de Altas Energías. ...

Discipline: Elementary particles, High Energy and Fields

Languages: none

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: 780€ one time payment

Opening date: 01/03/24

Closing date: 22/05/24


• Bachelors •


IGFAE bolsa de verano

Instituto Galego de Altas Energías. ...

Discipline: Elementary particles, High Energy and Fields

Languages: none

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 01/03/24

Closing date: 22/05/24

Burjassot, València

• Bachelors •



estancias de introducción a la investigación para estudiantes de Física (tanto grados como dobles grados). Las estancias tendrán lugar en verano, del 22 al 31 de julio, y a lo lar...

Discipline: Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear and Plasma

Languages: none

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 01/01/24

Closing date: 19/05/24


• Bachelors •


ICIQ Summer Fellowship Programme

up to 13 fellowships to national and international undergraduate students to give them the opportunity to learn, work and live in an exciting environment of cutting-edge research i...

Discipline: Electronic Properties & Semiconductors

Languages: none

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 2000€ one time payment

Opening date: 01/03/24

Closing date: 17/03/24

Gipuzkoa, Spain

• Bachelors •


NanoGUNE Summer Internship

Óptica en la nanoescala, Nanobioingeniería, Fenómenos electrónicos y magnetismo, y Materiales en la nanoescala, que se está llevando a cabo en 9 grupos de investigación. ...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: Spanish

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 500€ per month

Opening date: 01/01/24

Closing date: 11/02/24


• Bachelors •



Research Live for Undergraduates: Experience research in a major accelerator laboratory...

Discipline: Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear and Plasma

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 01/12/23

Closing date: 31/01/24


• Bachelors •


CaCTüS Internship

three-months internship with many complementary events. The Max Planck Institutes for Biological Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems and the Tübingen AI Center offer up to 10 stude...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 1350€ per month

Opening date: 07/11/23

Closing date: 09/12/23


• Bachelors •


DESY Summer Students | Program 2024

Selected candidates join in the day-to-day work of research groups at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg or Zeuthen (Berlin) and participate in one of these activities. They will gain ...

Discipline: Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear and Plasma

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 1200€ per month

Opening date: 15/11/23

Closing date: 31/01/24


• Bachelors •


Univ. Of Vienna Summer Internships

The University Of Vienna welcomes talented and motivated physics students to apply for summer internships in several research projects!...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 500€ one time payment

Opening date: 01/01/23

Closing date: 30/06/23


• Bachelors •


Phy6cool - Escuela de verano de Física d...

Esta escuela está dirigida a alumn@s hispanohablantes cursando los últimos años del grado de Física en universidades europeas. Phy6cool tiene como objetivo dar una visión general d...

Discipline: Elementary particles, High Energy and Fields

Languages: Spanish

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 01/04/23

Closing date: 30/04/23


• Bachelors •


ICFO Summer Fellows 2023

The Program aims to give students an early exposure to frontier science and research, and offer outstanding undergraduate students the chance to experience first-hand the excitemen...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English, Spanish

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: 2000€ one time payment

Opening date: 01/03/23

Closing date: 16/03/23

San Sebastián

• Bachelors •


DIPC Interships in informatics

Try an intership in theorical physics where you can research about the development of an android app to explore the electronic structure of nanographenes. ...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ per month

Opening date: 01/02/23

Closing date: 15/03/23

San Sebastián

• Bachelors •


DIPC Interships in experimental chemistr...

Try an intership in theorical physics where you can research about differents topics like organic chemestry and polymers....

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ per month

Opening date: 01/02/23

Closing date: 15/03/23

San Sebastián

• Bachelors •


DIPC Interships in theorical chemistry

Try an intership in theorical physics where you can research about differents topics like electronic structure....

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ per month

Opening date: 01/02/23

Closing date: 15/03/23

San Sebastián

• Bachelors •


DIPC Interships in experimental physics

Try an intership in theorical physics where you can research about differents topics like condensed matter, particle physics....

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ per month

Opening date: 01/02/23

Closing date: 15/02/23

San Sebastián

• Bachelors •


DIPC Interships in theorical physics

Try an intership in theorical physics where you can research about differents topics like condensed matter, nanophotonics, astrophysics and biophysics....

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ per month

Opening date: 01/02/23

Closing date: 15/03/23


• Bachelors •


Summer University

Aarhus University is a dynamic, modern and international university where classes are taught by active researchers. In this interships you can choose between more than 90 courses w...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 16/06/22

Closing date: 15/03/23


• Bachelors •


Aalto Science Institute international su...

The Aalto Science Institute (AScI) international summer research (internship) programme offers bachelor's and master's students employment opportunities to participate first-hand i...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: 1800€ per month

Opening date: 01/01/23

Closing date: 31/01/23

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

• Bachelors •


Una Beca de Verano en el IAC- Comunicaci...

Resolución de la Dirección del Consorcio Público Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (I.A.C.) por la que se hace pública la convocatoria de una beca para la formación en comunicac...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: Spanish

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 700€ per month

Opening date: 01/08/22

Closing date: 11/08/22


• Masters •


Intership para estudiantes 2022-2023 Sin...

Las prácticas académicas externas de estudiantes universitarios contribuyen al desarrollo y formación integral de los estudiantes, complementando su aprendizaje teórico con conocim...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 480€ one time payment

Opening date: 20/04/22

Closing date: 31/05/22


• Bachelors •



El IFIC ofrece estancias de introducción a la investigación para estudiantes del Grado en Física, que tendrán lugar entre el 18 y el 29 de julio de 2022. A lo largo de estas dos se...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: Spanish

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 03/04/22

Closing date: 03/06/22


• Bachelors •



The Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE) offers 11 undergraduate students the possibility of spending the summer as a physics researcher through the 7th Summer Fellowship Pro...

Discipline: Elementary particles, High Energy and Fields

Languages: Inglés

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 15/03/22

Closing date: 15/04/22

Instituto de Óptica - CSIC. Madrid - Spain

• Bachelors •


Ayudante de Investigación - Instituto de...

2 años de contrato. Garantia juvenil CAM 2022 Temática : Fabricación de nano-estructuras para aplicaciones fotónicas mediante escritura con pulsos láser ultracortos conformados. El...

Discipline: Optics, Photonics and Lasers

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 18000 €€ one time payment

Opening date: 12/09/22

Closing date: 22/09/22

Santiago de Compostela

• Bachelors •


Becas de verano CiTIUS

Si estás estudiando algún grado relacionado con la Inteligencia Artificial y las Tecnologías Inteligentes, esto te interesa: ofrecemos 14 nuevas ayudas para realizar tu primera est...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: Spanish

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ one time payment

Opening date: 18/05/22

Closing date: 25/05/22

San Sebastian

• Bachelors •


CIC-Nanogune Internship

Grants of 500 €/month are offered to 3rd and 4th year Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering students for projects from 1.5 to 2 months...

Discipline: Materials Physics

Languages: English, Spanish

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 500€ per month

Opening date: 03/02/22

Closing date: 13/02/22


• Bachelors •


MCQST Summer Bachelor Program

The MCQST Summer Bachelor Program provides undergraduate students worldwide the opportunity to gain an insight into research in Quantum Science and Technology...

Discipline: Quantum Information and Computing

Languages: English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 01/11/22

Closing date: 01/02/23


• Bachelors •


EPFL Excellence in Engineering Summer In...

The EPFL Excellence in Engineering Program offers an intensive research training opportunity to students interested in research careers in any field of engineering, science and tec...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 18/11/22

Closing date: 01/12/22

San Sebastian

• Bachelors •


nanoGUNE Winter School

A selected international group of undergraduate students will be trained into the most innovative aspects of nanoscience research. The school will include a combination of academic...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 02/02/22

Closing date: 04/02/22

Tres Cantos, Madrid

• Bachelors •


Internship in Development of Optical Dev...

2Eyes Vision is seeking a talented Physicist or Engineer with strong background in Optics to join our R&D department. Master Thesis’ students are welcome. The successful candidate ...

Discipline: Optics, Photonics and Lasers

Languages: English, Spanish

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 600€ per month

Opening date: 12/07/21

Closing date: 31/08/21

Santiago de Compostela

• Bachelors •


IGFAE Summer Fellowships 2022

Accepted applicants will enjoy a hands-on extracurricular internship. They will be involved in a research project under the supervision of a senior researcher. The students will ga...

Discipline: Astrophysics and Gravitation

Languages: English; Spanish

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: 750€ per month

Opening date: 12/05/22

Closing date: 21/05/22


• Masters •


Fundacio Catalunya-La Pedrera Ignacio Ci...

The Program aims to give students an early exposure to frontier science and research, and offer outstanding undergraduate students the chance to experience first-hand the excitemen...

Discipline: Optics, Photonics and Lasers

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 2000€ one time payment

Opening date: 01/12/22

Closing date: 30/12/22

San Sebastian

• Bachelors •


NanoGUNE master projects

The 2021 Master Scholarships Call has now been launched to provide master students in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Materials Science, and Nanoscience the opportunity to do their Ma...

Discipline: Condensed Matter

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 300€ per month

Opening date: 01/04/22

Closing date: 31/10/22

San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife

• Masters •


Becas de Verano: Desarrollo tecnológico ...

El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) hace pública la convocatoria de diez becas de verano para la formación en desarrollo tecnológico en campos como: Telescopios, Instrume...

Discipline: Optics, Photonics and Lasers

Languages: English, Spanish

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 700€ per month

Opening date: 29/03/22

Closing date: 26/04/22

Palma de Mallorca

• Bachelors •


SURF@IFISC (Summer Undergraduate Researc...

SURF internships are an opportunity to do research in the the field of Complex Systems in a top place as it is IFISC, that has also a unique venue: the island of Mallorca. Topics o...

Discipline: Complex Systems and Nonlinear Dynamics

Languages: English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: 800€ one time payment

Opening date: 24/04/22

Closing date: 22/02/22


• Masters •



A Summer Program for Physics students from Spain, in which they will be part of a research group at the Johannes Gutenberg Universitat (JGU) in Mainz. The program will take part at...

Discipline: Elementary particles, High Energy and Fields

Languages: English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: In summer

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 30/04/22

Closing date: 03/06/22


• Masters •


Summer Student Program 2023 at HZDR

Each summer the HZDR offers the possibility to join one of the research groups of our center and participate in investigation activities within a project. Our researchers design a ...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 25/11/22

Closing date: 28/02/23

Hamburg, Zeuthen

• Masters •


DESY Summer Student Programme 2023

Each summer DESY offers undergraduate students in physics, related natural science disciplines or computing the possibility to participate in the research activities of the Hamburg...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 1000€ per month

Opening date: 15/12/22

Closing date: 31/01/23


• Masters •


GSI-FAIR International Summer Student Pr...

GSI, the German research center for heavy-ion physics, is one of the world's leading accelerator laboratories for basic research with accelerated ions. In cooperation with an inter...

Discipline: Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear and Plasma

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 01/12/22

Closing date: 31/12/22


• Masters •


ESA Student Internships

ESA offers student internship opportunities from three to six months to students in their last or second-to-last year of a master's degree in technical and non-technical domains. ...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 300€ per month

Opening date: 01/11/22

Closing date: 30/11/23


• Bachelors •


CERN Short-Term Internship 2023

Imagine what it would be like to be part of, and contribute to, one of the largest projects on the planet. If you’re looking for a short term training (1 to 6 months), how cool wou...

Discipline: Interdisciplinary Physics

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: 1548,82€ per month

Opening date: 01/11/22

Closing date: 31/03/23


• Bachelors •


CERN Online Summer Student Programme 202...

The Summer Student Programme is more than summer work. It's the chance to join CERN in Geneva - getting involved in the day-to-day work of our multicultural teams. Attend lectures,...

Discipline: Elementary particles, High Energy and Fields

Languages: English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: Accommodation and travel support

Opening date: 01/11/22

Closing date: 30/06/23

San Sebastian

• Bachelors •



POLYMAT is offering Summer Internships to 3rd and 4th Year Undergraduate Students on Chemistry (or other Science or Engineering degree) to study: Innovative Polymers, Polymerizatio...

Discipline: Materials Physics

Languages: Spanish, English

Duration: More than one (1) month

Season: In summer

Allowance: 560€ per month

Opening date: 01/02/22

Closing date: 28/02/22


• Bachelors •


ICMAB Student Program

ICMAB gives selected and highly motivated undergraduate and master students the opportunity to participate in our rich scientific life and to benefit from the experience of our res...

Discipline: Materials Physics

Languages: Spanish, English

Duration: One (1) month or less

Season: Throughout the academic year

Allowance: No allowance

Opening date: 01/01/22

Closing date: 31/12/22

Created by @borja for the Grupo de Estudiantes de la Real Sociedad Española de Física